Something has changed!

We are not using the crowdfunding in order to focus on the only important thing: the game!


Some weeks ago, we announced our agreement with a professional pubblisher of games, Pendragon Game Studio.


Who followed Mythomakya fromn the begin, knows that our idea was to make a crowdfunding to fund this project. With our partners we wonder if it was the best choice.


Our decision was to do not make the crowdfunding campaign.

This decision was taken essentially for one reason: focus our effort on the only important thing: the game.


For sure we have to make a bigger investment, but we think that the ones that have backed the project would help us also in this way.

Help does not means only buy the product, but also talk about it, follow actively the social networks and so on!


In this sense, everything changed but nothing changed:

We really need your help!


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